Summary of published non CLP classifications

It is possible to convert some non-CLP classifications to CLP relatively easily, using read-across methods, including:

  • GHS classifications from other jurisdictions
  • CHIP classifications
  • Transport classifications

For CHIP-classified products, a combination of the Annex VII read-across method with the Transport classification read-across method may be useful.

The NFPA 704 diamond label may also provide useful information for CLP classification purposes, but should be used with caution.

It is also possible to convert from other classifications to CLP if you are familiar with the other classification method.

However, classifying substances using read-across methods are not necessarily as accurate as using data from a non-CLP SDS, and then classifying from first principles.

For mixture classifications, it may be more accurate to classify the component substances first for CLP, and then use the algorithm method to classify.

Overall, these read-across methods are preferable to having to test a substance and mixture to provide data, particularly if animal tests might need to be carried out, as long as you are happy that you are classifying accurately or on a precautionary basis, and not under-classifying.


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