Environmental Permit Compliance
Once you’ve got your Bespoke Environmental Permit, there may be additional one-off or ongoing technical or management conditions to meet, including:
- Baseline intrusive ground investigation for site report
- Stack emissions sampling and analysis (varies from monthly to annually or less)
- Groundwater sampling and analysis (also varies depending on results, minimum every 5 years, subject to permit conditions)
- Soil sampling and analysis (minimum every 10 years, unless not a condition)
- Noise monitoring, if noise is perceived to be an issue
- Odour monitoring, if odour is an issue
- Resource auditing every 3 years (energy, water and wastewater, wastes)
All of the monitored parameters need to have the results collated and analysed, and if necessary the risks assessed in detail.
If you are unfortunate enough to have an incident involving a release of a permitted substance, you are required to report it to the appropriate regulatory body (EA, SEPA, NIEA, EAW or local authority). Part A of the report is an outline of the initial incident or release, and should be sent in as soon as possible after an incident occurs. Part B of the report requires you to include more details of what happened, the consequences, causes and ways to prevent this type of incident recurring. The reporting form is given at the back of your permit. This reporting is in addition to other statutory reporting such as RIDDOR.
There is also the annual requirement to collate and report environmental data on the Pollution Inventory, details below.
How We Can Help You
TT Environmental Ltd has participated successfully in all of these areas of work, either through advising and supporting the permit holders, taking samples and carrying out risk assessments, or appointing and managing appropriate sub-contractors.

EP Compliance Services
We can help source accredited monitoring companies to take and analyse samples (eg MCERTS stack monitoring companies and appropriate labs), and provide assessment and interpretation of the results. We are also qualified and insured to take certain types of environmental sample in-house for testing by external UKAS and MCERTS labs (soil, water and groundwater).
To help with interpretation of field and laboratory data, we have a range of environmental modelling techniques and expertise to draw on, to assess likely environmental impact, see our Environmental Modelling page.
If you have any queries about permit compliance contact Janet on 01422 24 22 22 to discuss, or email Janet.
Environmental Permit Application toolkit
- Environmental Permit Factsheet
- Developing a good relationship with your Inspector
- Do you need ISO 14001 to hold an Environmental / IPPC permit?
- Do you need intrusive investigations under Permit?