You may have noticed that the chemical search function at ECHA changed recently, and that there are now different levels of information available.
The first level (and therefore first result in a chemical search) is called an “Infocard”, which summarises basic information about the substance, including CLP classification information.
The CLP classification information is generated automatically from the CLH database, REACH dossiers, and, if no other data exists, from the Classification and Labelling Inventory, CLI.
Unfortunately, where CLI information is used, the system searches for all of the classifications notified to the CLI, and aggregates them together. In effect, competing classifications are combined together, which is very confusing, and in effect leads to over-classification.
Anyone using the Infocard as a way of checking a CLP classification may be misled if the information is based on CLI notifications, and we advise all CHCS members to search more deeply within the ECHA website for this type of information.See Infocards from ECHA v2.1for more information. Infocards from ECHA v2.1
TT Environmental Ltd, 9th February 2016