Summary of published CLP classifications

Published CLP classifications can be found in several places:

  • on the ECHA website
    • Harmonised Classifications
    • CLP classifications in REACH dossiers
    • CLP classifications notified to the Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory
  • online or from your suppliers
    • supplier Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

Published CLP classifications for substances can vary in the amount of information they hold, and their reliability.

  • The Harmonised Classifications are very reliable (except where new information comes to light in a REACH dossier), but often do not cover every hazard a material has.
  • The REACH dossiers can be very reliable, moderately reliable or unreliable, depending on the quality of work the Lead Registrant has carried out, but are supposed to consider every hazard a material has
  • The CLP classifications notified to the C&L Inventory vary wildly in their reliability, and are supposed to consider every hazard a material has, but this can also vary wildly between notifiers, although you can’t see which company has notified which classification
  • Supplier SDSs can be used to supplement information published at ECHA, e.g. to identify if a reliable company thinks that a particular classification should be used (especially useful for non-REACH registered substances)

When using a published classification for a substance, it is important to compare published classifications to fill in any gaps, and make a note of which classification you are using for which hazard.

Published CLP classifications for mixtures are not held at ECHA, and are only available from suppliers or online companies.  The quality of information varies wildly, depending on who has produced the SDS.  Generally, you would not copy a mixture classification to use in-house, as you may have a different formulation to a competitor, so the main use for supplier SDSs classified to CLP is to provide data (and potentially CLP classifications for) its hazardous component substances.  As with substances, you need to keep full records of which information you take from a supplier SDS, and why.

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