Summary of CLP labelling

Information for the CLP label is based on:

  • the Product Identifiers (substance name and identifying number(s); or trade name of mixture, and “contains xxx”, for component substances with health hazards)
  • the CLP-GHS classification, which is used to generate the pictogram(s), Signal Word, and P Statements required for the label
  • the EUH statement classification, which gives the EUH statements required for the label, and in one instance may give rise to a pictogram (EUH071/ GHS05)
  • other specific requirements for supplementary information, e.g. the UFI of a hazardous mixture, or aerosol regulations information etc.

Precedence applies for H statements, Pictograms (including only one instance of each pictogram being allowed on the label), Signal Word, and P Statements.  However, full classification information must be supplied on the SDS (where one is required).

Minimum label and pictogram sizes are defined within CLP, based on the volume of the package used, and the label size can be increased where there are problems with space, but the pictogram sizes kept the same.  A minimum font size of 1.2 mm height is required for legibility.  Blank pictogram borders (“blank diamonds”) are not allowed on the label.

Different CLP languages can be placed on the same label, and two labels in different languages are not permitted.

Packages may require CLP labels only, or both CLP and Transport labels.  (Bulk chemicals only require Transport labels).

There is some derogation for small labels on small packages, but any outer labels on overpacks require full label information.

Some consumer products with specific hazards must have a tactile warning triangle applied to warn the visually impaired that the contents of the package are hazardous.

Unlike Transport, there are no specific rules on the type of label substrate, the type of ink to be used, or the glue to affix labels, although the package must be “clearly marked”, and labels “firmly affixed”.

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