CLP classifications in REACH dossiers

REACH dossiers contain the classification information for REACH-registered substances, and “robust study summaries” for the test data or modelling or read-across methods used to arrive at the classification for each hazard.

This makes them a very useful source of information for CLP classifications of substances.

REACH registrants are required to consider every single CLP hazard (or “end point”) as part of the REACH registration process.  Once a classification has been obtained by the Lead Registrant, it has to be agreed by the other co-registrants.

If the REACH dossier is reliable, or you think that the specific test data or read-across data is reliable, then you may want to use the REACH classification for a specific substance (although be aware that you should not breach copyright rules, although ECHA have publicly stated that a function of the REACH dossiers is to improve the quality of CLP classifications).

REACH dossiers may contain more than one CLP classification, for example if people are making a substance by different routes which result in different purity products which in turn have different classification.  Another scenario is where a substance holds a Harmonised Classification, but the REACH process brings new information to light which supersedes the Harmonised Classification.

REACH dossier information is accessed from the ECHA website, either directly, or using the chemical search function (for more information, see ).


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