Legal basis of CLP

CLP is a directly-acting EU regulation, which means that it is not part of individual EU states’ laws, although some individual country laws may refer to it (e.g. for enforcement purposes).

It is written by the European Commission, and published in the Official Journal of the European Union, .

CLP is managed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), based in Helsinki; and enforced by the Competent Authorities in each EU member state.

ECHA has a very comprehensive website at .

In the UK, the Competent Authority for CLP and REACH is the HSE, (although the Environment Agency and other government departments are also involved in REACH).

ECHA maintains a full list of Competent Authorities and Designated Authorities for four sets of legislation:

  • CLP
  • Biocides
  • PIC (Prior Informed Consent)

This can be viewed at .

We have made a shorter list with the Competent Authorities for CLP and REACH only, download here: Competent Authority list for CLP and REACH .

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