GHS within CLP

The parts of GHS held within CLP are:

  • most of the classifications themselves
  • labelling information for the GHS classifications – symbols, Signal Word, H Statements and P Statements
  • some of the chemical identifiers to be use, eg CAS numbers, substance or trade names
  • packaging information

A comparison of the classifications and hazard statements held within GHS, with a note of whether they are in CLP or not, is available here: GHS classifications and whether adopted into CLP v2.3 .

There are three main differences between the systems:

  • GHS classifications not adopted into CLP up to revision 5, including lower level flammable, irritant to skin and eyes, and acute toxicity hazards
  • GHS classifications in revision 6 which have not been adopted into CLP yet (and we don’t know whether they will all be adopted or not), such as desensitised explosives
  • EUH labelling statements which are unique to CLP and not part of GHS (for more details see: )

There can be problems with classifying for CLP if you use a GHS classification system, e.g. within SAP or a bespoke software package using GHS rather than CLP proper.

A GHS-only system will not include the EUH labelling statements, which can lead to an incorrect label and SDS, with hazards which have not been identified being omitted.

A GHS system which is based on another GHS jurisdiction may use a set of Harmonised Classifications for that jurisdiction, rather than the EU/ CLP Harmonised Classifications, and this can lead to substances being classified incorrectly as far as the EU is concerned.  As an example, toluene is classified in the EU as a Category 2 reproductive toxicant, whereas in the Australian version of GHS, it is Category 1.

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