About CLP Packaging Requirements

Products classified for CLP are required to meet the packaging requirements within CLP.

Any industrial products which are packaged to meet Transport requirements are deemed to meet the CLP Packaging requirements.

Consumer and professional products, and any industrial products which are not packaged for Transport have specific requirements under CLP https://ttenvironmenta.wpengine.com/clp-knowledgebase/non-transport-approved-packaging-for-clp-products/ .

For consumer goods with specific hazard classifications, child resistant fastenings may be required, see https://ttenvironmenta.wpengine.com/clp-knowledgebase/child-resistant-fastenings/ ; and/or tactile warnings may be required for the visually impaired, see https://ttenvironmenta.wpengine.com/clp-knowledgebase/tactile-clp-labels/  .

There are also very specific requirements for the packaging of laundry liquitabs, that is “liquid laundry detergent capsules for single use”  https://ttenvironmenta.wpengine.com/clp-knowledgebase/packaging-laundry-liquitabs/.

Laundry liquitabs are contained in soluble packaging, and often highly coloured, making them very attractive to small children.  These requirements were brought into effect in December 2014, following several incidents throughout Europe where toddlers had chewed on the liquitabs, thinking they were sweets, and had been harmed as a result.

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