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Section 12 of the SDS
In the SDS, SECTION 12: Ecological information comprises:
12.1. Toxicity
12.2. Persistence and degradability
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential
12.4. Mobility in soil
12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
12.6. Other adverse effects
This section usually includes the following information on substances, which should be the data underpinning the classification for each of these hazards. If you have registered the substance for REACH, the data in this section must contain information which matches the dossier.
Where you have test data on the mixture itself, you should include it here; or where you have test data on the component substances which affect the hazardous properties of the mixture, you should include them here and state which component the data applies to. This will help an end user understand how you arrived at your mixture classification.
12.1. Toxicity
Either “no information available”, or report aquatic toxicity test results (where available) for both chronic and acute toxicity tests on salmonid fish, cyprinid fish, invertebrates (eg daphnia), aquatic plants, etc.
Although not ree.quired for CLP classification, you can also include toxicity information for non-aquatic organisms, eg birds, bees, terrestrial mammals, where this data is available.
12.2. Persistence and degradability
Either “no information available” or report persistence and degradability, if available. Include degradation in sewage treatment plants, if available. octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) (from section 9.1) and bioconcentration factor (BCF), if either available.
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential
Either “no information available” or report octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) (from section 9.1) and bioconcentration factor (BCF), if either available.
12.4. Mobility in soil
Koc, leaching, and mobility data, and sources of information.
12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
PBT and vPvB assessment has/has not been carried out. Report results from Chemical Safety Report (if tests carried out)
12.6. Other adverse effects
Environmental fate other info not otherwise given in SDS
Photochemical ozone creation potential “not applicable”, “not tested” or results if available
Ozone depletion potential “not applicable”, “not tested” or results if available
Endocrine disrupting potential “not applicable”, “not tested” or results if available
Global warming potential “not applicable”, “not tested” or results if availab
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